
Marketing & Branding

/Marketing & Branding

Marketing & Branding

  • Nadia Patel Gangjee
  • 824 Students
  • 10 Lessons /1 Quizes
This course will help the participants in the understanding of the essential elements of the marketing and the branding which is required for a business brand and value.

Course Description

This course will help the participants in the understanding of the essential elements of the marketing and the branding which is required for a business brand and value.

Course Audience

The course is designed for creative people who want to learn about how to create winning Marketing & Branding strategies to amplify the growth of their businesses.


Web Literacy

Learning Objectives/Outcomes

By the end of this course, the learner will be expert enough to know how to come up with good branding for their new venture and how to do proper marketing of the startup through digital media.

Free 1,200.00PKR
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Additional Details

  • Beginner
  • 2 Weeks
  • 50 points
Course Curriculum

Module 1 - Introduction to Marketing & Branding

1 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Introduction to Marketing & Branding 5 points

Module 2 - Branding Basics

3 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Introduction to Branding 20 points
Brand Positioning, Strategy and the Essence 10 points
Visual Elements of Branding 10 points

Module 3 - Social & Digital Marketing

3 Lessons / 0 Quizes
Marketing Evolution in the field of Business 20 points
Importance of Digital Marketing for a startup 5 points
Key points for Social Media Marketing 10 points

Module 4 - Social Media Advertisements

3 Lessons / 1 Quizes
The concept of Digital and Social Media Advertisements 20 points
Importance of Social Media Advertisements 10 points
Social Media Advertisements Strategy 20 points
Final Quiz - Marketing & Branding 20 points 60m
Average Rating