When women start to realize that helping other women win, cheering for them, and supporting them does not take away the blessings from her but empowers instead. The more you give, the more you receive. Empowering another woman is selflessness.
Femprow is a Social initiative by Nadia Patel Gangjee. Femprow further supports women’s professional growth and economic empowerment through entrepreneurship education, support and capacity building.
With respect to International Women’s Month, Femprow held an event ‘’ #SheInspires’’ at Pranzo Clifton. The whole idea of the event was to raise a toast of appreciation for talented women. The collaboration with The Body Shop, #TheBodyShopXFemprow was also based on the association of giving back to the community. The Body Shop’s community trade partner, the Tungteiya Women’s association, has the ‘She’ who are producing over 390 tons of Shea every year, enriching their products and nourishing the skin. ‘She’ is over 640 women from 11 different villages in Ghana that handcraft the buttery, nourishing Shea every year. The idea of the Hashtag #SheInShea meant that you are empowering women economically and in return, Shea cares for you.

The event aimed to encourage and recognize outstanding efforts of inspiring women from various walks of life. The event’s objective was to empower women and the best part was the concept behind it. The CEO of Femprow, Nadia Patel Gangjee believes in helping other women rise. #SheInspires was an event of the women, by the women, for the women. It was executed by the group of talented women working together, from the sponsors to executors and vendors. #TheBodyShopXFemprow was brilliantly executed by event planner Lubna Qayoom!

The photographer Huma Ali handled the entire event with a mesmerizing smile! The merchandise bags for giveaways which was loved by all the ladies was done by Mahum Hamza. Last but not the least, the thing that caught the most attention and stole the show were Ghana themed outfits of the volunteers designed by Saman Naveed!

The role of women in the development of a country is really important, but sadly our society fails to see this. The idea of Femprow is to empower women through proper training, as it’s said, “Behind every successful woman is a tribe of other successful women who have her back”.
Connect with the awesome ladies who have helped us in executing this event.
Event planner: https://www.facebook.com/liveitup2014/
Photographer: https://www.facebook.com/humaaliphotography/
Designer: https://www.facebook.com/GetSetSlay/
Merchandise Bags: https://www.facebook.com/justprintitt/
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