Huma Anjum is a Wonder Woman who never gives up hope. The courage of Huma is an inspiration for all women. Huma’s story starts with the birth of her younger daughter Xunairah. Xunairah was born with Down syndrome and a tiny hole in her heart. It is not easy for any parent to be told by the doctor that your child is not well and she will have serious health issues in the future and will not be able to survive for long. Huma having been an optimistic person throughout her life, found Xunairah’s condition was a challenge for her. Courageous Huma told her husband that, she doesn’t want to see her eldest Khadija see them crying regarding the diagnosis of her younger sister. The next few days for Huma were not easy, she surfed the internet and got the motivation that Xunairah can lead a better life. Huma talked to every person on earth for advice regarding her newborn’s condition.

Xunairah was born in Lahore and was suggested therapies at home. They moved back to Karachi when Xunairah was 2-2.5 years old. Huma wanted to get Xunairah enrolled in a proper school and for that, she came to know about an NGO named Humqadam. The NGO provided Huma a list of schools with inclusive setup. Little did Huma know that no school wanted Xunairah to be enrolled in their school for obvious reasons! Huma got to know about Milestone Charitable Trust which was a special school and approached Fauzia Hussain, the director of the school. Huma told the director about Xunairah’s condition.

Xunairah got the admission but the director was very clear that Xunairah does not belong to her school. However, the occupational and speech therapist at Milestones recommended that Xunairah needs the therapies independently as well. For a middle-class family, such therapies are hard to afford but, when Allah blesses you with a special child he treats you exceptionally as well. Xunairah’s first speech and remedial therapist Hafsa Iftikhar proved to be an angel for her, with her therapies Xunairah condition improved.

The days passed and Huma again applied for admissions in schools with the inclusive setup but was refused for one or the other reason. After so many efforts Huma came across a Montessori by the name of Little Hands. Huma talked to the principal and surprisingly they agreed to give admission to Xunairah but wanted Huma to find a good teacher for her. Finding a credible teacher who can understand Xunairah and wouldn’t charge an arm was another struggle for Huma. Huma ultimately got a teacher but after some days she stopped showing up and the school asked Huma to take Xunairah back home.

The struggle was getting hard every passing day and Huma applied for every other school she could possibly think of. Huma took Xunairah to a psychologist for evaluation as it was a requirement from some schools. The psychologist told Huma that children like Xunairah belong to a special school and should not have high expectations with Xunairah. When Huma told her that she surfed the internet and found children like Xunairah progressing and having something in them. The psychologist replied that she does not believe in western theories and disappointments are expected from the condition of Xunairah. However, Huma pressurized the psychologist to give a positive evaluation so that she can get an admission. The negativity of the psychologist did not stop Huma to get a better life for Xunairah. Huma got hold of Cornerstones School with inclusive setup and this is how Xunairah started her proper school journey in 2013.

Xunairah is in her 6th year of school, she started with playgroup and now she is in Grade 2. Huma made a page out of Xunairah’s journey to help other parents who have special needs children. Xunairah is also a member of the Karachi Downs Syndrome program and Special Olympics Pakistan. She also participates in swimming camps organized by Special Olympics Pakistan.

The will of a strong mother can move mountains, Hazrat Hajra’s will started ZAM ZAM, the world has seen what a mother can do for her child. Huma is no different, being a mother gives you a special power, a strong will, and a huge heart. When there’s a will, there is a way, and Huma proved it.