Fizzah has experienced the sad and bitter reality of life at a very early age. Fizzah is the founder and CEO of “Creative Brains Production”, an organization that provides opportunities and media skills to youngsters. She is also the founder of ‘’Empower-Her’’, an organization actively working for women empowerment. Life hasn’t always been this easy and blessed for her. Fizzah has paid a lot as well as sacrificed a lot to be who she is today, to reach where she has reached today.
Fizzah was living peacefully with her family in Karachi, while her father was working abroad. One day without the consent of her father, Fizzah’s paternal family took them to Swat. They didn’t let her study nor permitted her to go outside the house. When Fizzah tried to raise her voice she was beaten up and locked in a room, and her mother was not allowed to see her. She even tried running away but unfortunately, she got caught and locked up again. Fizzah’s father was unaware of the whole situation as they weren’t allowed to communicate. With a leap of faith, her brother got the opportunity to send a letter to their father. The letter described the hell they were living in without him in perfect detail. Fizzah’s father left everything and came back to rescue them. It took 2 long years for Fizzah’s family to build a proper life again.
There were times when they had not anything to eat and slept on a hungry stomach. The paternal family wasn’t supportive as well. They had no financial security, no financial support from anywhere. Fizzah was tortured because she was the girl child, ending up in the hospital because of the torture she suffered at the hands of her paternal family. She was barely alive after all that she had been through. But when God wants you to live, you live. Fizzah lived, it was like she was born again with the will of the strongest person. The scars on her body went away, but the ones on her soul stayed. The physical, as well as sexual abuse she suffered, wasn’t easy to forget. The pain and shame of the abuse were hard to overcome. She started an NGO, but the extended family started rumors that she was doing illegal work. She had to stop as to retain her dignity. She got a job as a news anchor, but that too went down the drain as her family threatened her to quit or they would throw acid on her face.
Fizzah had enough, her courage made her stand up to the evil people. She worked to turn her dreams into reality. She started working as a social activist. Till date she has received several national and international awards for her work. She is currently working as a public speaker, and a freelance journalist. Fizzah documents social issues and is successfully running her startup in order to create awareness in the society. Fizzah doesn’t want what happened to her to happen to any other girl.Fizzah wishes for a better Pakistan, where women can get enough support from their family. She is not afraid of death but wants to create a benchmark before she dies so that people remember her as a symbol of bravery, resilience and strength.
We need brave women like Fizzah who stand up to the evil society. We need more people like her to be role models for our future generations. Our girls need heroes like Fizzah to fight better and be brave.
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